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710 series Markerboard
Indoff  Inc. Selling Nationwide
sales office only in
Cromwell, CT 06416
860-632-2028 Fax

710 Series:

Adjustable modular trim system with 72" high slotted single and double width standards fastened to the wall every 48" O.C. Each clear anodized aluminum framed board comes with ¾" MM-1 trim with rear mounting clips. Units come complete with wrapped and mitered safety corners. 2 ¾" CRA-4D extruded aluminum pen/chalk tray with 3/4" radius edges and 1" maprail with natural cork insert. 2" map rails are an available option. Specify on 1/2" particle board with moisture resistant backer sheet. Corner locking devices available if specified.

See Color Chart for available markerboard and chalkboard surface color selections. Go to Tackable surfaces to see the tackboard options.